Dr. Navnit Haror | Gold Medalist
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gynaecomastia gynaecomastia


Gynecomastia is a condition in men and young men where their breasts swell up. This typically occurs because of sex hormone imbalances, which causes more estrogen than the body should have to develop breast tissue. New-born baby boys are most likely to experience this condition due to increased levels of estrogen from breastfeeding moms or puberty hormones at younger ages; but it can also occur as hormonal changes brought on by weight gain or medication use later in life.

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Gynecomastia Surgery

Gynaecomastia surgery can be performed to expel the excess tissue that is causing gynaecomastia. Young males suffering from this problem often find it a cause of social embarrassment. If persistent for a long time, surgical management is the only treatment available to them. The procedure includes surgical removal of enlarged glandular tissue along with liposuction if there’s any fat accumulation as well.

Causes of Gynaecomastia

Hormone imbalance Gynecomastia is a condition that occurs when the male's hormone levels shift, causing breast tissue to expand. Men with higher estrogen production will notice large breasts as they start developing under their pecs or chest muscles. This change in hormones can be caused by an imbalance of testosterone and oestrogen, but men produce both sexes' hormones so this isn't always a trigger for gynecomastia - it could also result from conditions like obesity or liver disease.


Being overweight is one of the most common causes for gynecomastia, as obesity can increase oestrogen which leads to excess breast tissue. If you're already obese then it may be hard to lose weight or do more exercise and thus improve your condition due to an excessive amount of fat that enlarges this area.


A teenage boy's hormones are constantly changing. If testosterone levels drop, the oestrogen can cause breast tissue to grow - and many boys have some degree of growth during puberty. Gynaecomastia usually clears up as they get older with more stable hormone levels.

Older Age

As men get older, they produce less testosterone and estrogen. As a result, their breast tissue alters to accommodate the decrease in hormones over time which may lead to excess growth of that area for some men.

Other Causes

Other rare causes of gynecomastia include anti-ulcer drugs, heart disease medicine, cannabis (a substance derived from the Cannabis plant), anabolic steroids (drugs that affect bodily functions such as sexual characteristics and growth). Rare genetic disorders like Klinefelter syndrome can also lead to gynecomastia. Further complicating factors are alcohol misuse or a health condition such as kidney failure or liver disease. Finally, there may be lumps in the testicles due to infection which might cause this disorder.

Signs of Gynecomastia

Some people spend their whole lives only feeling uncomfortable in the chest region, while others don't even notice anything is wrong. Signs can vary from a small amount of extra tissue around the nipples to more prominent breasts in men. It can affect one or both breasts and sometimes it may be tender or painful but this isn't always so; there are many other cases when that's not true.

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