Dr. Navnit Haror | Gold Medalist
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Acne Scars

Acne Scars Everyone is familiar with acne. Whether it's your teenage years or adulthood, the result can be a scar on your face that just won't fade away! Acne scars are caused by an outbreak of excess oil, dead skin cells, and fungal infections which mostly occur in the facial area and neck region. These marks left behind because of severe acne make you look less confident due to clogged pores. The only way to get rid of these unsightly blemishes is through this treatment.

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acne scars

Acne Scars Removal

Acne scars are a common problem for 95% of teenagers and adults worldwide. It is caused by an outbreak of excess oil, dead skin cells & fungal infections which mostly occur on the face or neck. The marks left behind due to severe acne can make your skin look oily& dirty because clogged pores have been blocking them off in order to keep it from getting any worse than what they already were when you first noticed that there was something wrong with your complexion. Acne scars can be treated using punch excision to remove each individual scar- this area will then be covered up with fresh new layers of healthy tissue so as not only improve appearance but also texture too!

Acne scars are a common and unfortunate result of acne, but there's no need to resign yourself to them. A dermatologist can prescribe you treatments that will work based on your skin type and the severity of the scarring in order to help reduce their appearance. These may include chemical peels or laser resurfacing procedures for more severe cases while topical creams might be enough for light scarring if it is milder than average-just remember that they won't disappear overnight!

Chemical Peels

The type of chemical peel that a dermatologist prescribes can depend on many factors, including the person's skin and acne severity. A new study suggests one such option is TCA peels which have been proven to reduce at least 70% of scars for those with moderate-to-severe blemishes. Other options may prove less effective than this like glycolic acid (25%), but people should try different types in order to find what works best for them over all!


Doctors may inject corticosteroids into the skin to help shrink raised acne scars. These injections are only useful if a person has hypertrophic or keloid scar tissue, and typically need to be done on an office basis every few weeks by a dermatologist who will monitor progress.

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